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Friday, March 19, 2010

Cancer, Chemo, and Cookies...

Cancer is one of the worst diagnosis your pet can have. And the option of chemotherapy may initially sound horrible. While the situation is less than ideal, once the shock and grief pass a little, the reality of cancer treatment in veterinary medicine holds promise.

Most pets that have chemo have little or no adverse problems with treatments. The best part is that they feel better, and have a surprising great quality of life. They don't even know or understand they have cancer. They don't have to worry about the mortgage or kids, and they can face the disease without the worry so often common in human medicine.

And these patients remind us all to live in the moment. They enjoy each day. The reality is that nothing is guaranteed for any of us.

Even the treatments are enjoyable. Most of our canine patients become so comfortable that they even enjoy cookies while receiving treatment.

So if your pet is ever faced with this dilemma, push aside the preconceptions of chemo from human medicine. Just consider if chemo will help your pet extend their time with you, all with great quality of life.