Lil Miss' owner obviously loved her dearly and when she realized that she could possibly add years to Lil Miss' life she quickly sprung into action!
Lil Miss now has a new diet, she eats Purina OM (overweight management) and the only treats she gets are carrots. which she really doesn't mind!
On March 26 2010 a mere 3 months after Lil Miss could not pick herself up off the floor she weighted 87.3 lbs!
Lil Miss has also began exercising on the water treadmill at C.A.R.E. (Cape Animal Referral & Emergency) for 6 weeks and has seen great results.
Today we were so excited to see Lil Miss weighing in at 78.4 lbs! a total loss of 28.6 lbs.
Congratulations Lil Miss! keep up the hard work!