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Friday, October 22, 2010

The Bald and Beautiful!

Sphynx, Als0 know as the Canadian Hairless, is a breed of cat characterized by having little to no hair on their bodies. Sphynx have a genetic mutation in the gene that causes hair growth, thus they have very little to no hair. Typically a Sphynx has a light down-like hair on their nose, back of their ears and tops of their feet. Because they are hairless on their bodies the oil their skin produces accumulates and Sphynx's need to be bathed with a mild cat shampoo weekly. Wax can accumulate in their ears and they also need to be cleaned weekly with a cleaner from your vet.

Sphynx need to be kept warmer than other cats because they don't have a natural coat! They can wear a small dog shirt and love to snuggle under a fleece blanket. Sphynx come in all the same colors as household cats come in.

They have the same lifespan as a domestic cat and require the same diet and veterinary care. They can get a genetic disease know as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM, where the walls of their heart become thickened and can not pump effectively. Yearly checkups at your regular vet as well as an ultrasound of the heart know as an electrocardiogram should be done by the cardiologist. The onset of HCM is usually 4-8 years of age.