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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Canine Influenza

What is canine influenza?
Canine influenza is a newly emerging infectious disease caused by a "flu" virus. In dogs, a highly contagious strain of the influenza A virus known as H3N8 is able to cause respiratory illness. Other strains of the influenza A virus are responsible for causing infections in birds, horses, pigs, and people.
Canine influenza virus only affects dogs.

How contagious is canine influenza?
Just like the human "flu" canine influenza is highly contagious. In fact, unless a dog has already had the illness and recovered, virtually every dog exposed to the virus will become infected. This is because the virus is relatively new, and dogs have no natural immunity to it. While 100% of dogs are susceptible to influenza infection, and 80% of infected dogs will show signs of the infection. Dogs that do not show signs of the disease can still spread the virus to other dogs.

What are the signs of canine influenza?

The most common sign of canine influenza is a persistent cough. Some dogs have a dry cough similar to that seen in dogs with kennel cough-a respiratory condition that is caused by any of a number of other viruses and bacteria. It's this similarity to kennel cough that makes it hard for your veterinarian to diagnose which illness your dog has.

About 80% of dogs who show signs of influenza will have mild disease. Signs in this case include a low-grade fever, nasal discharge, lack of energy, loss of appetite, and a cough that can last for up to a month.
How serious is canine influenza?

Canine influenza is usually mild but can become quite serious in some dogs. in about 20% of the cases, more severe signs will occur, such as a high fever (104 to 106) and pneumonia. A small number of dogs infected with the virus have died from complications associated with the disease.

How is canine influenza infection diagnosed?

It's hard to diagnose canine influenza. Many times it can be confused with kennel cough because the signs are very similar. Often canine influenza is not suspected until the illness becomes unusually severe or lasts an unusually long time. Your veterinarian may collect blood or nasal swabs samples; however, these laboratory tests may not confirm canine influenza infection because the samples must be taken at the appropriate time in the course of your dog's illness. If your dog has a history of being exposed to other dogs with canine influenza, it is reasonable to suspect that your dog has something more than the ordinary cough.

How is Canine Influenza spread?

Canine influenza spreads the same way that human flu spreads-through direct contact (kissing, licking, nuzzling); through the air (coughing or sneezing); and via contaminated surfaces (such as when a person picks up the virus on their hands or clothing, then touches or pets a dog). Spread can also occur if that same person touches and contaminates another surface-a doorknob, for example.

How can I protect my dog from canine influenza?

Protection starts by keeping your dog in good general health. A well-nourished, well rested, and well-cared-for pet will have a stronger immune system to help fight off infection. When you most board your pet, make sure the facility is clean, well-maintained, and that there is an influenza outbreak management plan in place.

Recently, a new canine influenza vaccine-the first of its kind-was approved for use in the US. Canine influenza vaccine, H3n8 from Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has need clinically proven to significantly reduce the severity of influenza and the length of time that a dog is sick. The initial vaccination requires 2 doses, 2-4weeks apart, followed by annual revaccination. If your dog is presently being vaccinated for kennel cough (Bordetella), it is a likely candidate for canine Influenza Vaccine, H3N8.

Your veterinarian can advise you whether this new influenza vaccine should be added to your dog's vaccination schedule.

*all information was provided by:
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health