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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bringing Home a New Puppy or Kitten?

Spring is right around the corner, which means an abundance of puppies and kittens will be welcomed into their new homes.  Start your new four-legged fur baby on the right paw with a few tips that will help you in the future.

Let’s face it, most pets do not enjoy nail trims.  My advice is to familiarize your pet with nail trims from day one.  Play with his paws, let him smell the nail trimmers and always use positive reinforcement when he responds with desirable behavior (ex. allowing you to trim a few nails without any pulling or fidgeting).  Familiarizing your pet to nail trims and playing with their paws at a young age will make trimming their nails a simple task.

Two other areas that pets can be sensitive about are their ears and mouths.  Desensitizing them by frequently touching these areas, and giving your pet positive reinforcement, is an excellent way to teach your pet that ear and teeth cleaning can be a pleasant experience.  In fact, you’re teaching them that if they allow you to clean their ears or teeth, they receive a reward!

When you bring a new pet into the home, it’s a good idea to teach him proper feeding manners.  When offering a treat, encourage your pet to take the treat gently from your hand.  This can avoid any potential accidents in the future.

We highly encourage puppy classes at an early age.  Enrolling your puppy in an obedience course will socialize them, start them off on the right track to appropriate behavior and give you guidance on how to properly train your pet.  

Implementing these guidelines from day one can place your fur-baby on the track to success from the beginning, saving you stress in the future.  Always consult your veterinarian if any questions or concerns arise.