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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Happy Vet Visits Part 3

Part 3 of our Happy Vet Visits series continues to touch upon tips that owners can try to reduce your pet’s stress level when going to the veterinarian.  It’s amazing how a few simple changes made at home can reduce the amount of anxiety and stress your pet experiences at the vet.  Increasing the amount of car rides between vet visits and desensitizing your pet to their pet carrier are great options to reduce stress, but there are more options to help your pet when he’s nervous about his vet appointment. 
  • Bring hungry pets.  Skipping or reducing the amount of food given to your pet prior to their vet appointment will make your pet more likely to accept treats in the exam room.
  • Bring plenty of your pet’s favorite treats to their appointment.  Even consider fresh deli meat or squeeze cheese as treats to sweeten the proposal for your pet. 
  • Offer treats often while in the lobby, exam room, and during the actual examination.  This provides a positive distraction for your pet.
If your pet gets nervous when going to the vet, try out these tips.  Many owners say their pets will not accept treats at the vet, but implementing the tips above will help entice your pet.  As always, consult with your veterinarian prior to reducing their food intake or offering different treats.